Trick  or teat bag with candy falling out of it

It’s Halloween Parade and Party Time!

Oct. 31st- Tuesday

Here is what you need to know about our parade and party.

Everyone will need to check into the Elementary Office. (The north entrance by the flagpole will not be available.) We will have two “check in” spots.

If you are only going to the parade, we will have a “Parade” sticker. We will have a table outside by the elementary entrance (weather permitting) where you can get a sticker. Then we will have you enter using the outside double doors by the big gym, where the parade will take place. We will have helpers ready to show you where to go. 

If you need to help your child dress, we need you to check in with Mrs. Mohatt in the office. We will have you sign in and get a special sticker. Since we have several new students, we may ask to see your ID. (Just so you are aware and not surprised, there is very limited space to change in the restrooms.)

As in years past, we ask that the adults not wear masks or anything too scary.

 Also, we ask that only party parents attend the party please, as we don’t have room or food for extra people.



  • Our Halloween Parade/ Party will be Tuesday, October 31st, at approximately 2:15 p.m.
  • At 2:00 parents can go help their children get dressed if needed.
  • The parade will begin at approximately 2:15 in the New Gym.
  • Our parties will start at approximately 2:30.
  • Car Pickup begins at 3:10 and bussers/walkers will be dismissed at 3:25.


*Please note- As always, if your child is doing something different at the end of the day, we will need a note.