Byers K-12 Counseling

Counseling Services

Professional school counselors are trained in both education and counseling, allowing them to function as a facilitator between parents, teachers, and students in matters concerning the student’s goals, abilities and any areas needing improvement. School Counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today’s diverse student population. Below are just some of the services we can provide.

Mental Health resources, courses and live virtual events for families

· Individual and small group counseling (short term interventions)
· Crisis intervention counseling
· Conflict resolution and peer facilitation
· Consultation/collaboration
· Referrals to outside services (including mental and physical health)
· Student Advocacy
· Advocate for individual students
· Advocate for positive change in the school and in the district

Student Resources

We would like to thank the following business for donating to the Byers Student Scholarship Fund

Plains Heating And Air Conditioning

Byers American Legion

Crandal Drilling & Pump Service

US Mechanical Company Your Heating & A/C Specialist 303-622-2447

Kohrs Orthodontics 303-750-3660

Open and Affordable Dental & Braces


Home-to-School Resources/Links         



Children's Book Council  


  • Customized by grade level and topic, AAA Math features explanations of various mathematical topics, practice problems and fun, challenging games.

  • This fully interactive site and allows the user to sharpen basic math skills, play games and explore new math concepts.

  • Created by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this site helps families enjoy mathematics outside school through a series of fun and engaging challenges.

  • Math Cats provides playful explorations of important math concepts through games, crafts and interactive projects. Includes a magic chalkboard and an art gallery.

  • The Math League, designed for students in fourth grade through high school, specializes in math contests, books and computer software. The “Help Facility” is handy reference guide for math topics complete with examples, definitions and explanations.

  • This site includes 17


